What is m.i.l.k.?

Cars on a highway In January of 2000, Imagery Concepts, LLC was commissioned by Canon Computer Systems to develop the first Digital ID for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

To aid in the recovery of missing children, the m.i.l.k. (Managing Information on Lost Kids) Digital ID was designed to provide parents and caregivers a convenient location to store a digital photo and identification information regarding their children.

The m.i.l.k. Digital ID is a component of the Home Organizer® software program. This vital data is then stored in the privacy of the user’s computer. Should a person become lost or missing, with just a click, their m.i.l.k. Digital ID can be printed or sent via email to the proper authorities and forwarded to NCMEC.

If the proper criteria is met, the local authorities will initiate an Amber Alert. In the event of a national search, this photo and identification information can then be broadcast to over 17,600 police departments and the vast database of NCMEC Poster Partner Program members.

NCMEC Letter of Endorsement


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