Why does m.i.l.k. work?

Cause based marketing The m.i.l.k. Marketing System is a cause-based marketing process.

Statistics prove most parents and caregivers are not prepared in the event of a missing child emergency. When used properly, the m.i.l.k. Digital ID can readily supply a necessary recovery tool needed by law enforcement. (The m.i.l.k. Digital ID has been called the first step in the Amber Alert®. ) Your distribution of this valuable software provides a solution to an existing problem and backs a goodwill cause supported by communities across America. In addition to supporting a good cause, the m.i.l.k. Marketing System sets you apart from the competition.

Cause Marketing
The phrase "cause-related marketing" was first used by American Express in 1983 to describe its campaign to raise money for the restoration of the Statue of Liberty. This awareness effort proved to be successful for both the beneficiary (the Statue of Liberty) and the benefactor (American Express).

American Express made a one-cent donation to the Statue of Liberty every time someone used its charge card. The number of new American Express card holders soon grew by 45%, and card usage increased by 28%.

Research shows that many of today’s consumers demand more than just a quality product or an amusing commercial – they want to buy brands that resonate with their values. More and more, marketers are investing in cause marketing to leverage the emotional bonds consumers have with causes in a manner that translates into increased purchases and brand loyalty.

According to Joe Marconi author of Cause Marketing, survey statistics found: • 60% of Americans would buy first from a company that backs a cause they support • About 2/3 of Americans have a greater degree of trust in companies aligned with social issues • 90% of employees of companies involved in a cause marketing program feel proud of their association with the company

Cause-related marketing worked for American Express, but can m.i.l.k. work for you?

“Based on our results, the close ratio on m.i.l.k. Event X-dates resulted in a 400% better close ratio than other X-date sources.” Pepper Williams, DM (Oklahoma City, OK)

The community recognition and number of advertising impressions your agency receives is unmatched with the m.i.l.k. Marketing system.

Don’t just advertise. Make a difference.™


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